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골드 라이탄 6화 - Who's the Snitch 다시보기
등록된 날짜 2024-02-22 17:01:17
조회수 2,425
#골드 라이탄
골드 라이탄 악당 이바르다 대왕에 맞서 지구를 지키기 위해 노력하는 로봇 '골드 라이탄'과 지구 소년 히로시의 활약과 우정 이야기
25화 - Nessie - Wild Journey (1080p HIDIVE
52화 - Farewell, Lightan Corps
51화 - The Last Day of the Mecha Palace
50화 - Mr. Mecha X's Challenge
49화 - Mutiny in the Mecha Palace
48화 - Target - Mannakka
47화 - Aburada's Love Triumphs
46화 - The Magma Giant's Duel
45화 - The Mythical Country of Yamaterasu
44화 - Castaways on the Volcanic Island
43화 - The Mecha Dimension's Greatest Crisis
42화 - The Terror of Hell's Army
41화 - The Daimajin's Tears
40화 - The Mysterious Underwater Palace
39화 - Straight to the Mecha Dimension
38화 - The Animals of the Savanna
37화 - The Lightan Corps' Weakness
36화 - Rambunctious Detectives Present
35화 - The Puzzle Professor's Trap
34화 - The Little Mermaid of Cape Warlock
33화 - The Troubles of Love Plan
32화 - Snow Woman Koranka
31화 - Surprise - Nezumogura
30화 - The Secret of Ivalda's Palace
29화 - The Terrifying Beauty Contest
28화 - The Mysterious Jungle Gym
27화 - Dracula Panic
26화 - Raging Storm Daifujin
24화 - The Six Lightans Assemble
23화 - The Art Thief is Mechaso
22화 - The Living Doll
21화 - Mecha Ninja Arts - Shadow Clone
20화 - The Newtonder of Love
19화 - Ohina Is a Circus Star
18화 - The Great Garibender Plan
17화 - Farewell, Day of the Dolphin
16화 - The Diabolical Mini-Spy
15화 - The Demonic Mecha Dragon of the Skies
14화 - Uprising - Mecha Hell
13화 - Ohina, Hanging by a Thread
12화 - The Monster of the Village of Oblivion
11화 - Bomb - Mecha Swan
10화 - Tombo's UFO
9화 - The Town of Mecha Cosmos
8화 - The Subway Centipede Plan
7화 - The Evil Rampaging Robot
6화 - Who's the Snitch
5화 - Thermo-Optical Crystal Man
4화 - The Hellish Amusement Park
3화 - Goodbye Yukigon
2화 - The Monster Catfish Destroys the Dam!
1화 - The Monster of the Mecha Dimension